Formerly the Exemption Project
About TrueRoll
A revolutionary approach to homestead exemption audits
About TrueRoll
A revolutionary approach to homestead exemption audits
About TrueRoll
A revolutionary approach to homestead exemption audits
Customer Success: Clinton County, IL
Clinton County recently used the TrueRoll software to generate a list of seniors who were not receiving a homestead exemption on their property taxes. Homestead exemptions are a valuable tax break for property owners that are currently living at the property and help protect against lower-priced properties from being over-assessed. Thus the homestead exemption is an important tool to make property tax more equitable.
Clinton County knew that its senior population was particularly vulnerable against unexpected tax hikes so they wanted to make sure as many seniors as possible took advantage of these important savings, a real life-line for those on fixed incomes. Therefore, using the robust data filtering capabilities of the TrueRoll software, Clinton County achieved some really remarkable results. Read their own account of their success story in this email:
Hi Jessica,
I was wanting to touch base with you. Last month I used True Roll to compile a list of seniors who were not receiving the Senior Homestead. With that we got a list of 223 seniors ages ranging from 64 to 97. We only sent letters to those who were 65 and older. Which ended up being 160. Out of those 160 we have received 45 back. We have also received several who were not on that list. Word of mouth travels quickly. We are still receiving phone calls from seniors or their children to make sure Mom and Dad are getting everything they are supposed to be. Hopefully the seniors will all take advantage of the letter!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Jackie Eversgerd
Clinton County Assessment Office
850 Fairfax St
Carlyle IL 62231
Clinton County sends our team a note recently about how they are using TrueRoll software to help its Senior Citizens not overpay on their property taxes and the resulting positive response from the community.